California Employment Rights Notices & Pamphlets are Updating January 1, 2023

Our dedicated Pasadena employment law attorneys at Romero Law know that California employers are required to post certain notices throughout the workplace, so they are visible and/or reviewable by ALL employees — even full-time, remote workers.

In some cases, employers are also required to distribute employment rights pamphlets, so all employees are informed of the protections they are entitled to by law.

Effective January 1, 2023, eight of the required notices that contain pertinent employee rights are required to be updated.

Which California Employment Rights Notices & Pamphlets are Getting an Update on January 1, 2023?

To ensure all California employees understand their rights, the following notices — which must appear in plain view throughout the workplace — will be updated:

  • California Law Prohibits Workplace Discrimination and Harassment
  • California Minimum Wage
  • Family Care and Medical Leave and Pregnancy Disability Leave
  • Know Your Rights: Workplace Discrimination is Illegal
  • Safety and Health Protection on the Job (Cal/OSHA).
  • Transgender Rights in the Workplace
  • Your Rights and Obligations as a Pregnant Employee
  • Your Rights Under USERRA (Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act)

In addition, the following pamphlets will also be updated, and must be distributed to employees throughout California:

  • Sexual Harassment
  • Unemployment Insurance

The Department of Industrial Relations requires employers to post information related to wages, hours, and working conditions in an area frequented by employees where it may be easily read during the workday. Because these notices and pamphlets are required, California employers must have the updated versions posted by the January 1, 2023 deadline.

Are Your California Workplace Rights Being Violated?

If your California employer is not posting the proper notices or distributing the required pamphlets that allow you to understand your workplace rights, they may already be violating them. Contact our experienced Los Angeles County employment law attorneys to discuss your legal rights and options today.

Our employment law firm and bilingual staff offer services in both English and Spanish and are available now to discuss your case during a free consultation by calling 626-396-9900 or contacting us online.


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